Press release, Longmont (CO), April 21, 2017: Data Ductus announced today that it has achieved the Network Services Orchestrator Authorized Technology Provider (ATP) status from Cisco. This designation recognizes Data Ductus as having fulfilled the training requirements and program prerequisites to sell, deploy and support Cisco® Network Services Orchestrator solutions targeted to the high-end enterprise and service provider markets.
Cisco Network Service Orchestrator Partners work with new and existing technologies to align components of this architecture with their customers’ strategic goals, helping transform business processes, boost organizational efficiency and accelerate the time to market. Cisco Network Service Orchestrator (NSO) solution enables network and service agility for both service providers and enterprise customers.
The Cisco Authorized Technology Provider (ATP) Program is part of Cisco’s go-to-market strategy for emerging technologies. The program helps Cisco to define the knowledge, skills and services that channel partners need to successfully sell, deploy and support an emerging technology.
Becoming a Cisco NSO Authorized Technology Provider is a major milestone towards further helping customers transition their networks for faster time to market, operational efficiency and improvement of network quality. Building close relationships throughout their organizations, helping them transform from traditional operations to a more software defined model, says Johan Backman, VP Region North America at Data Ductus.
About Data Ductus
Data Ductus is a world-leading provider of network and service orchestration and automation solutions based on best of breed products. Since founded in 1989, Data Ductus has served Mobile Operators, Enterprise and Network Equipment Providers globally with solutions, expertise and support.
Data Ductus specializes in technically advanced IT consulting services within system and software development/integration, IoT, Operation, Maintenance, Solution Support and Service Desk.
Press Contact
For more information, please contact Johan Backman, VP Region North America, Data Ductus, +1 303 332 9806
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Data Ductus är ett multinationellt datakonsultföretag specialiserat på tekniskt avancerade lösningar som anpassas till kundernas specifika behov genom en kombination av djup teknisk expertis och verksamhetskunskap.
Data Ductus tjänster innefattar bl a systemutveckling & integration, management & orkestrering, IoT-expertis samt drift och support.
Med kontor i Sverige, USA och Singapore erbjuder Data Ductus sina tjänster globalt. Sedan starten 1989 har företaget stadigt expanderat och är idag ett väletablerat företag med drygt 200 anställda. Bland kunderna återfinns allt från internationella koncerner till start-ups.